Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Chapters 4 & 5 Quotation Assignment

Chapter 4 - Quotation 1- Page 22 Paragraph 1

"After entering the town, which was marked by the movie theater for whites on the riverbank side of the road, I had to drive another two or three blocks before turning down an unlit road, which led back of town to the colored section."

Question 1- Does the quotation provide detail about the setting? If so, what type of description does it provide? How does the setting description classify the time period?

This quotation provides details about the setting. It uses imagery and selective word choice to describe the setting. By the town being segregated and divided into sections indicates the time period which was during the time period when coloreds did not have the same rights as whites.

Question 2- To what contemporary issue(s) do(es) the quotation connect?

In that time period coloreds were segregated to the colored section of town. The contemporary issue this quotation connects to how black people are still divided into sections. In this day in age or time period some blacks still are sectioned off into "hoods" or poor urban areas whereas whites live in nice neighborhoods, suburbs, and gated communities.

Chapter 5 - Quotation 1- Page 29 Paragraph 4

"This was my school. I was supposed to teach six months out of the year, but actually I taught only five and a half months, from late October to the middle of April, when the children were not needed in the field."

Question 1- Does the quotation symbolize the lack of freedom of a black person at this time? Does the quotation symbolize the history of oppression of a black person? If so, to what part of history does the quotation relate?

This quotation does symbolize the lack of freedom of a black person at this time. Young black students could not learn all year round in a learning environment like young white students. Young colored students and colored teachers were limited to teach and learn only five and a half to six months in a small church for school to take place in. This quotation symbolize the history of oppression of a black person. Although blacks were free many men, women and young children had to work longs day in a field instead if learning and getting an education like the whites.

Question 2- Does the quotation provide detail about the setting? If so, what type of description does it provide? How does the setting description classify the time period?  

This quotation does provide details about the setting and classify the time period of black oppression, limited or lack of freedom for blacks, and unfair laws.

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